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Insights into the etiology and physiopathology of MODY5/HNF1B pancreatic phenotype with a mouse model of the human disease.
Quilichini E, Fabre M, Nord C, Dirami T, Le Marec A, Cereghini S, Pasek RC, Gannon M, Ahlgren U, Haumaitre C. J Pathol. 2021 May;254(1):31-45. PMID: 33527355


Pancreatic Ductal Deletion of Hnf1b Disrupts Exocrine Homeostasis, Leads to Pancreatitis, and Facilitates Tumorigenesis.
Quilichini E, Fabre M, Dirami T, Stedman A, De Vas M, Ozguc O, Pasek RC, Cereghini S, Morillon L, Guerra C, Couvelard A, Gannon M, Haumaitre C. Cell Mol Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019;8(3):487-511. PMID: 31229598.

Implication of epigenetics in pancreas development and disease.
Quilichini E, Haumaitre C. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Dec;29(6):883-98. PMID: 26696517.

Hnf1b controls pancreas morphogenesis and the generation of Ngn3+ endocrine progenitors.
De Vas MG, Kopp JL, Heliot C, Sander M, Cereghini S, Haumaitre C. Development. 2015;142(5):871-82. PMID: 25715395. 

Epigenetic regulation of pancreatic islets.
Haumaitre C. Curr Diab Rep. 2013;13(5):624-32.PMID: 23907485.

Obesity-induced overexpression of miR-802 impairs glucose metabolism through silencing of Hnf1b.
Kornfeld JW, Baitzel C, Könner AC, Nicholls HT, Vogt MC, Herrmanns K, Scheja L, Haumaitre C, Wolf AM, Knippschild U, Seibler J, Cereghini S, Heeren J, Stoffel M, Brüning JC. Nature. 2013;494(7435):111-5. PMID: 23389544.


Specific control of pancreatic endocrine β- and δ-cell mass by class IIa histone deacetylases HDAC4, HDAC5, and HDAC9.
Lenoir O, Flosseau K, Ma FX, Blondeau B, Mai A, Bassel-Duby R, Ravassard P, Olson EN, Haumaitre C*, Scharfmann R*. Diabetes. 2011;60(11):2861-71. PMID: 21953612

Directing cell differentiation with small-molecule histone deacetylase inhibitors: the example of promoting pancreatic endocrine cells.
Haumaitre C, Lenoir O, Scharfmann R. Cell Cycle. 2009;8(4):536-44.PMID: 19197155


Histone deacetylase inhibitors modify pancreatic cell fate determination and amplify endocrine progenitors.
Haumaitre C, Lenoir O, Scharfmann R. Mol Cell Biol. 2008;28(20):6373-83. PMID: 18710955

Severe pancreas hypoplasia and multicystic renal dysplasia in two human fetuses carrying novel HNF1beta/MODY5 mutations.
Haumaitre C, Fabre M, Cormier S, Baumann C, Delezoide AL, Cereghini S. Hum Mol Genet. 2006;15(15):2363-75. PMID: 16801329

Lack of TCF2/vHNF1 in mice leads to pancreas agenesis.
Haumaitre C, Barbacci E, Jenny M, Ott MO, Gradwohl G, Cereghini S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2005;102(5):1490-5. PMID: 15668393