The Inflammation Research Center brings together about 250 researchers, lecturer-researchers, hospital-university staff, technical agents (ITA), doctoral students, post-docs and trainees with the objective of establishing in France a Center of Excellence which links the basic research with translational and clinical research in inflammatory diseases.

The IRC hosts 12 teams labeled INSERM, University of Paris and CNRS and works closely with the APHP to ensure an application approach to research.

The IRC is a major player in the laboratory of excellence “Institute of Inflammatory Diseases” (Inflamex) coordinated by R. Monteiro, DHU Unity (led by D.Valla) and DHU Fire (co-coordinated by B. Crestani, G Steg & E. Daugas)

The Center provides researchers and engineers from around the world with 5 scientific platforms and 10 technical platforms, and also offers services in the field of proteomics, recombinant protein constitution, electron microscopy, biochemistry and immunoassay. imaging of the small animal.

The activity of the center is conducted mainly on the campus of the Bichat Hospital, within the Paris Diderot University. The sites of Beaujon and Robert Debré complete all the premises of the IRC, which now has more than 4,000 m2.

The objectives of the IRC are:

  • to understand fundamentally the basics of inflammatory processes and development fibrosis
  • to identify new pathophysiological mechanisms of inflammatory diseases
  • identify biomarkers associated with diseases and develop new imaging tools
  • to create new preclinical animal models allowing proof of concept (POC) for the study of inflammatory diseases
  • the search for new therapeutic approaches.