Inserm is strengthening its system for reporting and processing acts of violence. Sexist acts, moral or sexual harassment, discrimination in the workplace fall under this system put in place for the benefit of its civil servants, contract employees and its students.

Three measures contribute to the reinforcement of the device:

  • To coordinate the entire system and ensure compliance with its principles, national coordination has been set up. It is responsible for collecting reports and mobilizing the competent services to support agents and to process the facts reported.
  • To facilitate reporting and guarantee the strict confidentiality of the data collected, a unique address is created: An agent who considers himself a victim or witness of an act of violence, harassment or discrimination is invited to complete the reporting form and send it to the national coordination via this address.
  • In addition to this internal remedy and to offer specialized care, Inserm provides its agents with an outsourced listening and support unit: the Information Centers for the Rights of Women and Families (CIDFF) experts in supporting victims of gender-based and sexual violence. This unit, now open to agents from the Ile de France and Auvergne Rhône-Alpes regions, will be deployed to all other regions in 2023.


Maude Le Gall and Alain Couvineau are available to hear from you as correspondent.e Parity and equality professionalin a completely confidential manner.

Our center also has a Committee for Mediation, Ethics and Scientific Integrity.

The representatives of the dotorants are also at your disposal.


Correspondant.e Parité et égalité professionnelle