Order markets for computer equipment, Windows PCs and MacOS (desktops, laptops, servers, workstations):


The supplier selected for the market is: (maj: 01/09/2021)

    1. HP for the desktop and desktop PC market: Contract n ° F171DGE030 – Safir n °: 16804
    2. HP for the Laptop market: Contract n ° F171DGE031 – N ° safir: 16806
    3. DELL for the Workstations market: F171DGE032 – Safir number: 16807
    4. Hewllett-Packard France for the server PC market: Marché F171DGE033 – N ° safir: 16808

Don’t forget to add the eco-contribution which appears in the total just before VAT.

Procedure HP for PC Stationary portable :

  1. Create a quote via: https://hp2b.hp.com/ or serviceclient-matinfo@hp.com
    In order to register your user profile on the HP2B portal, please follow the following steps:

    1. Click on the following link: Create an HP2B account
    2. Follow the steps on the page that opens
    3. Enter the code received by email
    4. Fill in your profile details
    5. Once your profile is approved (confirmation by email), log in with your username and password at https://hp2b.hp.com/
  2. Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number, the market number and choosing the site les Ulis for the HP supplier.
  3. Send the quote in PDF to command.u1149@inserm.fr

Procedure DELL for workstation:

  1. Create a quote on https://v2.dell-matinfo.fr/
  2. Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number and choosing the BEZONS site for the DELL supplier.
  3. Send the quote in PDF to commande.u1149@inserm.fr

Hewllett-Packard procedure for servers:

  1. Create a quote on https://b2b.hpe.com/ 
  2. Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number and choosing Hewllett-Packard France
  3. Send the quote in PDF to commande.u1149@inserm.fr


Mac OS

The supplier retained on the market for Mac OS is: ECONOCOM (puteaux)

  1. Desktop and desktop PCs, laptops, servers: – Contract n ° F171DGE034 – N ° safir: 16809

You must create an account per team and use it to create quotes, obtain technical information, a price, then place your orders on Safir