Order markets for computer equipment, Windows PCs and MacOS (desktops, laptops, servers, workstations):
The supplier selected for the market is: (maj: 01/09/2021)
- HP for the desktop and desktop PC market: Contract n ° F171DGE030 – Safir n °: 16804
- HP for the Laptop market: Contract n ° F171DGE031 – N ° safir: 16806
- DELL for the Workstations market: F171DGE032 – Safir number: 16807
- Hewllett-Packard France for the server PC market: Marché F171DGE033 – N ° safir: 16808
Don’t forget to add the eco-contribution which appears in the total just before VAT.
Procedure HP for PC Stationary portable :
- Create a quote via: https://hp2b.hp.com/ or serviceclient-matinfo@hp.com
In order to register your user profile on the HP2B portal, please follow the following steps:- Click on the following link: Create an HP2B account
- Follow the steps on the page that opens
- Enter the code received by email
- Fill in your profile details
- Once your profile is approved (confirmation by email), log in with your username and password at https://hp2b.hp.com/
- Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number, the market number and choosing the site les Ulis for the HP supplier.
- Send the quote in PDF to command.u1149@inserm.fr
Procedure DELL for workstation:
- Create a quote on https://v2.dell-matinfo.fr/
- Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number and choosing the BEZONS site for the DELL supplier.
- Send the quote in PDF to commande.u1149@inserm.fr
Hewllett-Packard procedure for servers:
- Create a quote on https://b2b.hpe.com/
- Enter the order in SAFIR indicating the quote number and choosing Hewllett-Packard France
- Send the quote in PDF to commande.u1149@inserm.fr
Mac OS
The supplier retained on the market for Mac OS is: ECONOCOM (puteaux)
- Apple Solution (update: 09/01/2021)
- Desktop and desktop PCs, laptops, servers: – Contract n ° F171DGE034 – N ° safir: 16809
You must create an account per team and use it to create quotes, obtain technical information, a price, then place your orders on Safir